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Launched: Pawnshops for Parks

Pawnshops for parks

Seth Ward’s passion for parks stems from the fact that he spent most of his youth playing sports in the parks where he grew up in Idaho, New Jersey, Utah, and finally, Arizona. Now, he’s launched a nonprofit that will enable pawnshops to enhance the lives in their communities through improvements to city parks and youth sports facilities.

It’s an idea he’s had for a long time. “This idea was first proposed in 2014, but this year I felt compelled to finally get it going. With the support of my family and many friends in the pawn industry today we are officially a 501C3 non profit. We have established bank accounts having already recieved funding by several California Pawnbrokers” he shared.

“It’s important that we continue to make sure the children of today can enjoy safe and clean spaces to play. Whether playing tag or organized sports, it’s critical we all do our part to preserve these public spaces. P4P provides a unique opportunity for the pawn industry to show that we care and are willing to help wherever we can.”

Ward points out that the projects may range from simply planting a few trees in a local park to a full overhaul with new equipment and facilities—the potential is unlimited. “Serving others is the key,” he adds.

“The pawn industry is filled with big hearts wanting to make a difference, he adds, “so much different than the mostly-negative images depicted in movies and TV shows.”

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