12 Awesome Lead Magnets for Luxury Resellers

A lead magnet refers to the free content, item, or service a person receives when they share their contact details. To unlock the “gate” and get their freebie, visitors first need to trade in their contact info—such as their email address, or phone…

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Pawn Marketing: Free Brand Assessment

Let's talk about YOU. Choose your free appointment time now:

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Free eBook: Five Terrible Marketing Habits to Drop in 2022

Marketing has evolved at a blinding rate over the past decade resulting in a lot of marketers whose access to tactics outpaces their understanding of solid strategy that leads to revenue.  We've put together five of the costliest marketing habits to drop…

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Marketing Brew: Loud and Clear

Marketing isn't noise. Marketing is storytelling. Knowing that a good story taps into as many of the five senses as possible, we were particularly interested in this article from Marketing Brew that talks about sonic branding. What's the sound of your pawnshop? [From Marketing…

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facebook outage

What pawnbrokers can learn from Facebook’s outages

News outlets and industry insiders are abuzz about global outages across Facebook, Instagram, and Whtasapp. These outages fall on the heels of already damaging revelations about the infrastructure of these platforms. Building trust, relevance, and authority on platforms over which we have no control is a terribly risky business. If…

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I’m Your Pawnbroker

Word of mouth is the cheapest and most effective form of marketing. But there's a big problem—it's far more difficult to achieve than it sounds. What's the secret to turning your customers and stakeholders into brand ambassadors? In his bestseller…

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hispanic hats display

3 marketing principles for reaching Hispanic audiences

Read original story at PR Daily Hispanic Heritage Month is underway. Here are three ways to avoid common multicultural marketing mistakes in your campaigns. At least one big brand seems to apologize each year during Hispanic Heritage Month for a campaign that comes…

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Top 14 Social Media Management Tools for 2021

Social selling has become an almost inevitable part of B2B selling. As the world remains mostly shuttered, businesses are turning to alternative digital channels to hock their wares. Sadly enough, even though social selling is proven to increase company revenue by upwards…

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