Spring cleaning? Bring it to the pawnshop!

Spring Cleaning Pawn shop

This blog post was generously contributed by Tyler Wilson of Pocket Pawn. We are always so inspired by his common-sense approach, be sure you download his marketing tips


It’s that time of year.

A time of starting fresh, getting things in order, and cleaning out the garage and those pesky closets that are filled with all kinds of stuff. If that is you and you have a bunch of items that you have dug out of that endless pit at the house, consider bringing those treasures down to the pawn shop!

It’s a great way to get paid to clean!

If you are anything like me, sometimes it takes a little motivation to tackle those cleaning projects you have put off forever.

The bottom line is, if you have done some spring cleaning, or if you are needing a reason to get it done, we want your stuff! Bring it down to the pawn shop and let’s see if we can help each other out.


Okay, picture this. You walk toward the garage door knowing what a disaster of a mess lies behind it. You know you have to get that mess cleaned up eventually. You know that there are tools in there you haven’t used in years somewhere under the piles of junk you and the family have piled up for who knows how long. 

It would be easy to just turn around and find something else to do. I mean, there is no lack of projects you could be working on. But, what kind of money could you get at the pawn shop for those tools?

How about that old window air conditioning unit you don’t use anymore? Maybe you have some old musical instruments or guitar amps sitting around?

My advice is to jump in there, take it one item at a time and get it cleaned up. Load up the car or truck with a bunch of stuff that you don’t use anymore and bring it down to the shop.

You never know how much cash you could walk away with just by cleaning out the garage! It’s a win-win situation.

You have a clean garage and a pocket full of cash!


Come on, you know what I mean. You open the door to that closet somewhere in your house and junk just falls out. You never know what may hit you in the head or fall on your foot when you open that door. 

With the way that technology is constantly getting better and better, I would be willing to bet you may have a stockpile of old gadgets that we may just love to pay you for.

Maybe some old bluetooth speakers, some good headphones, or maybe a GPS you had in your car before you got your iphone? 

How about that collection of old DVD’s that you will never watch again? Who knows what kind of awesome stuff you could bring down to the shop for a little extra cash.

Again, I know it may be a daunting task, but selling some of that old stuff you will never use again may be great motivation to get it done.

Plus, your spouse will probably really appreciate you getting that closet cleaned out that they have asked you to do for the past year.


In exchange for a clean garage and a clean closet, you get paid!

Your house is clean, your spouse is happy, and you have some extra spending money. It doesn’t get much better than that!

Think about it this way. If a bunch of people did the same thing, someone else may just be sitting on an incredible item you have been looking for for ages. Let’s work together, people!

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