FREE social media posting calendar for pawnbrokers: March 2021


Most pawnbrokers don’t need more marketing ideas—the to-do list is already overwhelming.

That’s why we’re breaking best practices down into smaller daily and monthly tasks that you can complete in a few minutes every day.

FREE for January, February, and now March, we’ve got a posting prompt calendar alongside four quick wins. These quick wins are things that you can accomplish in a month’s time from the four most important areas of pawnshop marketing: Digital, Traditional, Community, and Advocacy.

Before you explore the list of QUICK WINS for March below, be sure that you take a look back at the ones that we’ve covered so far this year!

Digital marketing: aim for authority

In January, we focused on fostering online reviews. In February, we launched or grew email marketing. Now, for March, we will begin to talk about content marketing. This is a pretty complex topic, of course, but for March the quick win is simply this: aim for authority.

This month, focus less on vanity metrics such as likes and follows and shift your thinking towards ways that you can build trust, authority, and relevance. For March, our focus is building AUTHORITY.

Check out this article from Search Engine Journal about the importance of authority for your website’s visibility. Your Quick Win for the month should be to shift your focus from pushing sales to adding value to your audience with those things that you’re an expert on; and as we know, pawnbrokers have expertise in many areas. 

Traditional or in-store marketing: it’s time to push watches

Every month, we’ll focus efforts on a traditional in-store event. March is a perfect time to push watches and timepieces with a watch sale that layers your messaging in a way that not only improves your watch sales but also helps improve your relevance as a local source for them! It’s also a great way to remind folks to take advantage of your layaway program to invest in the watch that they want! 

Community and PR: 

Each month, you should focus on some sort of community outreach or other newsworthy event in your community. Here are three ideas to consider for March, you can pick one that fits or use it as inspiration for a different idea: 

  • Women’s History Month: Here at The Pawnbroker Network, we’re curating PROFILES OF PAWNBROKERS and will make them available to you throughout the month or you can share information about women who have been important to the history of your pawnshop or community. 
  • National Old Stuff Day: host an ‘Antiques Roadshow’ type of event at your store in honor of National Old Stuff Day.
  • National Proposal Day: encourage your audience to share their proposal story with you leading up to sharing them all on National Proposal Day on March 20th. 

Advocacy: perception impacts your bottom line

Advocacy is important for pawnbrokers and the best way to ensure that you’re well informed is to join your state, regional, and national associations.

But don’t stop there. Since the beginning of the year, we’ve recommended that you establish communication with the legislators and lawmakers at every level of government who impact your business. You can start at We’ve also recommended that you sign up for a free Legiscan account so that you can monitor the laws in your state. 

In March, make it a goal to drop at least one handwritten note to one of the lawmakers who impact your business. Here’s a blog post to guide you. 

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