FREE: Social Media posting calendar for pawnbrokers: April

Social Media Prompts Calendar Pawn (2)

Most pawnbrokers don’t need more marketing ideas–the To-Do list is already overwhelming.

We’re working to help reduce the overload with a social media prompt calendar with suggestions that will help spark your own creativity. 

This free calendar will help you spend less time on tactics and more time on a  comprehensive strategy that will impact your bottom line. 

These four quick wins are things that you can accomplish in a month’s time from the four most important areas of pawnshop marketing: Digital, Traditional, Community, and Advocacy.

Before you explore the list of QUICK WINS for April below, be sure that you take a look back at the ones that we’ve covered so far this year:  JanuaryFebruary, and March.

Digital marketing: beyond just ‘going live’

In January, we focused on fostering online reviews. In February, we launched or grew email marketing. In March, we introduced content marketing which is a topic we’ll continue to explore throughout the year.

For April, the digital marketing tactic that we recommend is aimed at leveling-up your Facebook LIVE videos. Check out this blog post and upgrade your LIVE videos! 

Traditional or in-store marketing: #sustainableshopping 

Every month, we’ll focus efforts on a traditional in-store event. In April, there’s a focus on sustainability that accompanies Earth Day and it’s a perfect opportunity to shine a light on all of the reasons that shoppers who care about their carbon footprint should think of your pawnshop first for the items they’re looking for! We’ve written a blog post that’s a part of our Content Swap, ready for you to customize and share on your own blog or social media channels! 

Community and PR: 

Each month, you should focus on some sort of community outreach or other newsworthy event in your community. Here are three ideas to consider for April, you can pick one that fits or use it as inspiration for a different idea: 

  • International guitar month: Consider hosting a community jam event and encourage donations which can be shared with a local community organization. 
  • Host a “Trash or Treasure” event and invite your audience to bring their items to the shop for a free assessment and evaluation (think Antiques Roadshow). 
  • National Gardening day: consider passing out seed packets to customers or inviting a local youth community group to plant a garden at the pawnshop in exchange for a donation. 

Advocacy: show up and speak up

Advocacy is important for pawnbrokers and the best way to ensure that you’re well informed is to join your state, regional, and national associations.

But don’t stop there.

Since the beginning of the year, we’ve recommended that you establish communication with the legislators and lawmakers at every level of government who impact your business. It’s something that we’ve written extensively about, as seen in this blog post. 

In March, we encouraged you to drop at least one handwritten note to one of the lawmakers who impact your business. Now that it’s April, we encourage you to attend a town hall, coffee hour, or another networking event (either in person or online) that’s hosted by one of your lawmakers.  The easiest way to find this sort of event is to follow their social media channels or subscribe to their newsletters. 


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