FREE social media posting calendar for pawnbrokers: February 2021

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Coming in March, a focus on Content Marketing for your pawnshop. Be sure that you subscribe to our email list so that you don’t miss out! 

FREE social media posting calendar for pawnbrokers: February 2021

Marketing your pawnshop doesn’t have to be overwhelming. That’s why we’re breaking best practices down into smaller daily and monthly tasks that you can complete in a few minutes every day.

FREE for January and February, we’ve got a posting prompt calendar alongside four quick wins—things you can accomplish in a month’s time from the four most important areas of pawnshop marketing: Digital, Traditional, Community, and Advocacy.

COMING IN MARCH: A focus on Content Marketing for your pawnshop. 

Take a look at our February Quick Wins for marketing your pawnshop:

Digital marketing:

Last month, the digital marketing quick win was focused on fostering online reviews and testimonials. In February, the digital quick win is launching or growing your email marketing list. Organic social media reach gets less and less traction and the follower lists don’t belong to you so it makes sense to focus energy and resources on growing your email list. Here are three super-simple ideas to try: 

  • Change the URL of your Instagram profile to an opt-in link and mention it in your posts all month. 
  • Offer an exclusive (and hefty) coupon for email subscribers just in time for Valentine’s Day.
  • Generate a QR code that links to your opt-in page. Print and laminate it and have it available at the counter to encourage customers to join. 

Traditional or In-store marketing:

Every month, we’ll focus efforts on a traditional in-store event. Obviously, February’s headline is Valentine’s Day but you should also consider focusing in-store flyers and signage on promoting your Layaway program. 

Community and PR:

Each month, you need to host some sort of community outreach or other newsworthy event. February offers many opportunities for such an event. Here are three ideas to consider, you can pick one that fits or use it as inspiration for a different idea: 

  • Wear Red Day: Partner with local healthcare providers to raise awareness for heart health.
  • Random Acts of Kindness Day: Performing a Random Act of Kindness on a large scale is easy and interesting. Consider paying for all of the coffee sold at a locally-owned coffee shop and partnering with them to announce it on social media together!
  • Love Your Pet Day: People LOVE their pets! Consider giving away pet treat bags and asking customers to post a photo with their four-legged friends enjoying the goodies!  


Advocacy is important for pawnbrokers and the best way to ensure that you’re well informed is to join your state, regional, and national associations.

But don’t stop there. Last month, we recognized that new legislators take office every January and recommended that you reach out to introduce yourself to them as a business owner and constituent. February is a good time to follow up by attending an in-person public event such as a coffee or town hall. You can find the lawmakers who impact your business at

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