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Digital advertising campaign: Heeding the call to legislative activism


Modern tactics for a modern challenge:

We’re heeding the call to legislative activism and launching a digital advertising campaign that corresponds with the congressional calendar. 

We’ll be layering Facebook ads, Google Ads, and Geotargeting to reach the Washington DC and surrounding market, leading to a landing page with tons of information and resources as well as a list of pawnshops, vendors, and other businesses who support pawnshops.


Add your name to the list of businesses at our landing page who support the specific exclusion of pawnshops from rate caps legislation:

  • Your business name listed on landing page
  • Link to your website or other URL
  • Mentioned in our email blast and social media posts to let your colleagues, community, and customers know where you stand!
  • Your business name listed on landing page
  • Your logo displayed in two places on the landing page
  • Link to your website or other URL
  • Your name listed in our email blast and social posts
  • We’ll give you the origin files for the social posts & videos for your own use (distribute to your own channels, add to your social, etc.)

 We recently hosted a webinar explaining this campaign’s goals and tactics using these slides to explain our approach.  Viewing from mobile? This flipbook renders best on a desktop device. Watch the recording here (passcode Pawn123!)

Add your name to the list of businesses at our landing page who support the specific exclusion of pawnshops from rate caps legislation:

  • Your business name listed on landing page
  • Link to your website or other URL
  • Mentioned in our email blast and social media posts to let your colleagues, community, and customers know where you stand!
  • Your business name listed on landing page
  • Your logo displayed in two places on the landing page
  • Link to your website or other URL
  • Your name listed in our email blast and social posts
  • We’ll give you the origin files for the social posts & videos for your own use (distribute to your own channels, add to your social, etc.)
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